Wednesday, April 27, 2011

13.1 - Oh, the burn!

Starting your first half marathon at 76 degrees is a little crazy.  Finishing at 83 degrees is closer to insane.  Thankfully, I believe in the old sticks and stones adage that words can't hurt me, so I am pleased to tell everyone that I did the above referenced 13.1 long, hot miles in 2 hours and 21 minutes.  (I'll spare you the seconds, but I know how many there were!)

All the running calculators told me, that based on my 10K time, overall experience, and the higher temps, I should expect to finish with an average pace per mile of 11:33.  It shouldn't surprise anyone that I blew that out of the water, finishing with an average pace of 10:47/mile.  Although the day was hot, the sun stayed mostly behind the clouds.  There was a stiff headwind most of the first half, but being an out and back course, that meant a stiff tailwind most of the second half.  Nice.

Being an inaugural race, there were a few hiccups.  I am not going to bash the race organizers for that.  Instead, I'd like to focus on the positive things they did.

1. They kept the race small.  352 participants was a nice small group for a first half marathon.
2. They did not run out of water.  Gatorade and cups, yes, but I didn't mind drinking out of the water cooler at the next to last water stop.  (Then again, I slide down muddy hills for fun from time to time, so I'm cool like that.)
3.  They had plenty of volunteers to: cheer me along at the water stops, hand me a much needed bottle of water at the finish line, put my medal over my head, and even take my timing chip off my ankle for me.
4.  They had the Muscle Milk people at the finish line.  Yum!
5.  Cute shirts.  Tech fabric.  Well done!

So, why the post title?  What's up with the burn?  First, the temperatures.  It was a hot race, especially at the finish.  You can see how red I am in my finish line photo at the top of this post.  I sweated out so much salt all over my face and neck, my husband thought I'd had a bad experience with suntan lotion somewhere along the race route.  Pfew!  Heat is a killer!

Second, as my Facebook friends previewed yesterday, I learned a new concept in running: chafing.  All this time I've been training with no chafing whatsoever.  I'd begun to think I was the exception that proved the old runner's rule, "It's not if you chafe, but when."  The half marathon proved me wrong.  When the gun went off I was feeling super confident in my Lululemon running skirt and cami.  Even after the race, I was feeling pretty smart and fashionable, if salty.  Only later, when I stepped into the shower and the water set my chest on fire, did I realize I'd fallen victim to the dreaded chafing.  Apparently the top seam of my Lulu cami did not agree with those last 2 miles it never saw in training.  Aquaphor is my new best friend.

Third, the calorie burn!!!  I burned almost as many calories in less than 2.5 hours on Saturday as I did in over 6 hours of Oyster Racing last fall.  I got to have Goode Company BBQ for lunch and eat my side of potato salad with NO guilt.  Yay!

I had thought I might have a fourth burn for you, sore muscles, but apparently the training plan I was on worked the way it was supposed to.  No aches, no pains, just a little bit of a scratchy throat.  Kudos to Cathe Friedrich, Hal Higdon, and Team in Training!!

Many thanks to everyone who has followed my journey so far.  I'm "halfway" there now, with 5.5 weeks to go until San Diego.  Now that I've seen the half, the full marathon is a little more intimidating, so keep those positive thoughts coming.  I need 'em!

Until next time - Start Slow, Finish Strong!

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