Monday, April 11, 2011

Random Thoughts on Running

Now that the miles are adding up, running is turning into a far more mental sport than I ever imagined.  Short, easy runs fly by, while longer runs take concentration and focus to finish.  The iPod isn't always the ticket to distract me from what I'm up against, so I've started playing some fun little mental games with myself.

At first, it was simple things, like counting the number of green cars that go by.  (Those of you who knew me in my crazy 20s remember my favorite little green Beretta.)  Then, it was how many people in the different carpool lines had their dogs in the car with them.  Late last week, I counted the number of different types of birds I saw.  I even used cadence work to focus myself, which is an all time favorite as I count the number of times my right foot hits the ground in 30 seconds (it should be about 45 times).

So today, I was tired of counting.  Thinking I'd be a little more creative, I decided to "eat up the miles".  I was Ms. PacMan.  The whole wocka-wocka soundtrack was playing in my head as I replaced the dots in the original game with the lines in the sidewalk.  Whenever I had to cross an intersection with no lines in the sidewalk, it was like when I got a power pill and I raced across the street in invincible mode!  Silly, I know, and I didn't really do it for the whole 6 miles, but whenever I needed a little pick-me-up, it worked.

It made me laugh a little on the way home tonight as I realized, running wildly through intersections in my neighborhood is probably more like Frogger than Ms. PacMan.  We have terribly aggressive drivers who, unfortunately, are hostile toward joggers.  I've come very close to being hit more times than I care to count.  And don't get me started on blocking the crosswalk (rude, rude, RUDE!).  Oh, let's not forget splashing runners when you practically have to drive up onto the curb to hit that puddle.  Ugh.  Whenever bad driving happens, I just ignore it, shake my head, and move on.  No use adding fuel to that fire.

Will I be Ms. PacMan again on Friday for my long run?  I don't know, but you'll be sure to hear about it.  The last long run before the half is on deck at 12 miles and I am gearing up for the carb loading.

Start Slow, Finish Strong.

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