Friday, March 25, 2011

Breaking the 10 mile mark - Gut Check Time

So today was long run day.  My half marathon is only a few short weeks away and I took the last two weeks off from long runs.  And my, oh my, my body let me know it today.  The goal was 10 miles.  Since my last long run was 9, I was thinking, "no big deal."

At first, I was right.  I sailed past the 3 mile mark comfortably, and settled into an easy run pace to the 5 mile mark.  Then the sun came out from behind the clouds and the heat kicked in. Mile 6 was okay, but I was starting to get an uncomfortable feeling in my gut.  A little queasy and rumbly. I decided to keep on pushing and at least make it to mile 7 before taking a Gu break.

And I made it.... to mile 8, before I started to feel like my feet were completely disconnected from my body.  I took it down to a walk, pulled a Gu out of the fuel belt, and sucked it down.  Much better.  I walked to 8.25 miles and picked it back up to an easy run pace again.  My stomach was still not happy, but I was determined to finish.  I pushed on, going over both of the "hills" in the neighborhood (little humps in the road going over the golf cart path) and cursing the sun.  At 8.75, there was no more pretending; I needed to get home.  Thankfully that was just a quarter mile away.

I ran in and did what needed to be done, then went right back out the door for that last mile.  Uh uh.  Not happening.  I immediately cramped up and BAD.  Seriously, I was hoping a rib would pop out or something to stop the pain.  I walked, massaging my side and hoping it would go away.  It didn't.  I ended up walking .75 miles and then circling the court a few times until 10.01 showed up on the GPS watch.  I hit the stop button and went inside.

I'm not going to whine and feel defeated, though.  I made 10 miles in under 2 hours, through the pain, through the nausea, through the heat, through it all.  10 miles did not beat me, despite it's best efforts.  I put one foot in front of the other and I beat 10 miles.  Next week, 10.5 miles - BRING IT!

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