Sunday, March 20, 2011

Training Update - Post-Vacation "Hangover"

Well, not exactly a hangover, but that same sluggish feeling that comes from too much good food and not enough serious training.  It was a great vacation, really, as a trip to our nation's capital always is.  I started the trip with 2 days getting my continuing education credits for my data privacy certification, and then  spent 3 more days seeing the sights with my husband.  It was a star-studded trip: we stood in line at the hostess stand behind Jerry Jones on Friday night at Old Ebbits, saw the presidential motorcade on Saturday, and saw several politicians over the weekend.  We visited Arlington National Cemetery, took a walking tour of Georgetown, drove over to Annapolis and took another walking tour of the naval academy and the city itself, and spent a long afternoon in the National Museum of Crime and Punishment after visiting Ford's Theatre.  In short, we walked a LOT.  But we did not run and there was no time with the iron on the itinerary.

So, I jumped right back into it the day after we got home.  Wednesday night was track practice with Team in Training and I pushed hard.  We did walk/run intervals and my running pace was around 8:45/mile.  That's fast for me and I felt it the next day.  Of course, I still have that last month of STS to finish, and that was on the agenda Thursday-Saturday.  Yes, I did the first week of Mesocycle 3 in three days.  I also ran on Friday morning and went back to Memorial Park yesterday morning for an hour's run with my Team in Training.

Sunday is a day of rest, right?  Apparently not for me.  We got up early, hooked up with some friends for breakfast, and headed to Conroe for the Warrior Dash.  For the uninitiated, that's 3.2 miles of trail running with 10 crazy obstacles thrown in.  We ran through a wind tunnel, slid down a muddy hill, climbed cargo nets, and hurdled logs in waist deep water before leaping over the Warrior Roast and crawling through mud (under barbed wire) to the finish line.  It was AWESOME!!

I am now officially cured of the post-vacation hangover. Next week will be the start of logging serious miles again as I am just 5 weeks away from the half marathon.  We'll be back to "Start slow, finish strong," soon but for this week, Start fast, finish muddy!

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