Friday, March 18, 2011

How about lunch?

I've been thinking a lot about this fundraising recently.  That minimum amount is really hanging over my head and it's messing with my mental state on my runs.  I know there are at least a few more people who can contribute a little to help save and enrich lives.  So, how about this?  Let's throw the notion that you have to give a lot to make a difference right out of the window.

Every dollar counts in the fight against leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkins lymphoma and myeloma.  The funds go not only to research into cures, but also directly to patients to help them with expenses.  This got me to thinking on this morning's run.  I was thinking about all those hidden expenses when someone is hospitalized or in treatment.  Parking alone can cost $10-$20 per day.  (I remember this sticker shock all too clearly when a family member was hospitalized a couple of years ago.)  And meals in hospital cafeterias are pretty darn expensive.  (And not very tasty.)

Thinking about those hospital lunches I suffered through over those two weeks gave me an idea.  On average, according to the statistics I could find, lunch costs each of us about $5-7 per day.  Would you be willing to eat leftovers for one day and donate that lunch to LLS?  There is no minimum donation amount on my donation page, so how about it?  Just $5-$7? 

Training update tomorrow!

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